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DASA DevOps Principles Adopted in New ISO/IEC TS 20000-15:2024 Standard

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DASA’s DevOps principles have been incorporated into the newly published ISO/IEC TS 20000-15:2024 standard, “Guidance on the application of Agile and DevOps principles in a service management system.” This significant milestone underscores the global recognition and validation of DASA’s approach and its impact on high-performance digital organizations.

The ISO/IEC TS 20000-15:2024 standard provides guidance on how a service management system (SMS) based on ISO/IEC 20000-1 can benefit from Agile and DevOps principles. The document details how integrating these practices can enhance service management processes, leading to more efficient, responsive, and customer-focused service delivery.

Pierre-Olivier Portmann, member of the editorial team, commented:

“The inclusion of DASA DevOps principles in the ISO/IEC TS 20000-15:2024 standard marks a significant step forward for service management practices. This integration provides organizations with a globally verified set of principles to improve their service management systems and deliver higher quality services more efficiently.”

Rik Farenhorst, CEO of DASA, stated:

“We are thrilled to see DASA’s DevOps principles being recognized and adopted in the ISO/IEC TS 20000-15:2024 standard. This is a testament to the relevance and effectiveness of our approach in driving organizations towards becoming high-performance digital enterprises. By embedding these principles into a globally recognized standard, we are helping organizations worldwide achieve greater efficiency, agility, and customer value maximization.”

The DASA DevOps principles emphasize critical aspects of DevOps, focusing on delivering value to the customer, setting clear goals, promoting accountability, fostering collaboration, encouraging continuous improvement, and leveraging automation. 

Specifically, these principles are:

  • Customer-Centric Action: Focus on delivering value to the customer by understanding their needs and ensuring their satisfaction.
  • Create with the End in Mind: Establish clear goals and outcomes and adopt a product-centric philosophy and operating model in the organization.
  • End-to-End Responsibility: Promote accountability by ensuring that teams take responsibility for the entire lifecycle of their products or services.
  • Cross-Functional Autonomous Teams: Encourage collaboration by forming cross-functional teams that have the autonomy to make decisions and drive results.
  • Continuous Improvement: Foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement, where teams regularly reflect on their performance and seek ways to enhance their processes.
  • Automate Everything You Can: Leverage automation to improve efficiency, reduce errors, and free up human resources for more strategic activities.

For more detailed information on these principles and how they can benefit your organization, please visit our webpage:

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