Speaker: Danny Higler, Senior Agile Coach at Booking.com
Once upon a time, in an organization not so different from yours, the experienced and skillful teams working there struggled with satisfying their stakeholder needs. Organizing the flow and requirements was done by the book but somehow they felt that the actual delivery of valuable work was not always in line with their stakeholders’ expectations. Sometimes the features delivered were not as planned and other times the delivered features would, although they were tested extensively, still contain unexpected but obvious surprises. Help was wanted! Everybody loves a good story, we are surrounded by them.
Books, movies, games, and people, all tell a story. So why don’t I use them at work as well? In this presentation, the speaker will explain to you the composition of a story, from the context via the twist to the
(unhappy) ending. What is it that creates a good story? And how can we use this to improve the outcomes of our work? How can you, as a leader, influence teams by telling stories? I will share some of my experiences and practices on how storytelling can be used as a powerful tool to improve development and requirements, cooperation and generate new insights.