Language: English

  • DASA DevOps Principle #4 Cross Functional Autonomous Teams

    In product organizations with vertical, fully responsible teams, these teams need to be entirely independent throughout the whole lifecycle. That requires a balanced set of skills and also highlights the need for team members with T-shaped all-round profiles instead of old-school IT specialists who are only knowledgeable or skilled in for example testing, requirements analysis…

  • DevOps Principles and Practices – a Leadership Perspective

    In this webinar, Troy will share what Leaders need to understand the various best practices and emerging technologies related to DevOps such as (Lean IT, Agile, Theory Of Constraints, Continuous Integration and Deployment and IT Service Management). He will also discuss how these key elements can apply to more than just software to enable organizational…

  • Enterprise Leadership Forum Global Event 2020 Session 1

    A VIRTUAL GATHERING FOR IT LEADERS WORLDWIDE Are you interested in learning more about how other leading organizations are finding their way? Hosted by three household names in the DevOps world, Dimitri van den Broek, Rik Farenhorst, and Deborah Burton, this is a one-of-a-kind event not to be missed. To serve our global audience we…


    The DASA DevOps Virtual Meetup is an exclusive event that connects global and local thought leaders in the area of Agile and DevOps with the broader DASA community of practitioners through this virtual platform. Based on their rich industry experience, they shared market trends and critical success factors for DevOps transformations along with insights and…