• DevOps Can Replace Project and Program Management (Myth 2)

    DevOps Can Replace Project and Program Management (Myth 2)

    Editor’s note: This is the second in a series of blogs discussing five current myths about DevOps and has been created by Lawrie Kirk, our DASA Ambassador located in Australia. Lawrie has written this blog from the perspective of his experience as a consultant, program, and project manager. We look forward to the discussion that…

  • How Do You Get the Board to Buy-in Your DevOps Transformation Plans?

    How Do You Get the Board to Buy-in Your DevOps Transformation Plans?

    Below I detail my key discoveries from the DevOps Agile Skills Association (DASA) Enterprise Leadership Forum (ELF) round table discussion on, “How do you get the board to buy-in your DevOps transformation plans?” A typical consulting answer to the question about how to gain board buy-in is, “That depends.” For my session, one panel member…

  • We Do Not Need Structure in a DevOps Environment (Myth 1)

    We Do Not Need Structure in a DevOps Environment (Myth 1)

    Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of blogs discussing five current myths about DevOps. The blogs have been compiled by our DASA Ambassadors, Frank Faber in the Netherlands, and Lawrie Kirk in Australia. Both Frank and Lawrie have written this blog from the perspective of their experiences as consultants and program and…

  • DevOps Consulting: A New Global Opportunity

    DevOps Consulting: A New Global Opportunity

    Carl Jung, the famous Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology once said, “Everyone you meet knows something you don’t know but need to know. Learn from them.” This is one of the reasons we both become DASA DevOps Ambassadors, to expand our knowledge about DevOps.  After many years in the project and program…

  • Skills to Remain Relevant in 21st Century and Enabling High-Performance Digital Organizations

    Skills to Remain Relevant in 21st Century and Enabling High-Performance Digital Organizations

    To stay relevant in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, organizations are looking for ways to decrease their time to market and become more customer-centric. This requires new ways of working like Agile, DevOps, and new 21st century skills. The Agile/DevOps movement began in 2001 and so far has been largely IT-driven. When you look at…

  • DASA Competence & Reference Model : Using the Best of Agile and DevOps to Become a High Performing Product Team

    DASA Competence & Reference Model : Using the Best of Agile and DevOps to Become a High Performing Product Team

    High performing product teams : Agile + DevOps + Lean product management = Excellence in software development, deployment and operations. As organizations increasingly rely on software to deliver business services, they are realizing that they need to excel at developing, deploying and operating software based products and services. But that isn’t easy – building and…

  • The Hardest Principle

    The Hardest Principle

    DASA’s entire DevOps curriculum is built around six key principles. Together they cover all the relevant topics you could or should consider when becoming a DevOps professional or when implementing the DevOps way of working within your company. As with all things in life, the six principles are not all equally hard to master. Depending…

  • From Slogans and Buzzwords to Behaviors and Value

    From Slogans and Buzzwords to Behaviors and Value

    The CEO rubs his throbbing temples. Digital disruption is giving him a headache. All this talk about digital transformation and how competitors are stealing business away with their new ‘DevOps’ ways of working – whatever that ‘DevOps’ means. Never mind all of this transformation stuff, he’d be happy if IT could start delivering what we…

  • How DevOps and CI/CD Contribute to Antifragility

    How DevOps and CI/CD Contribute to Antifragility

    I started exploring DevOps back in 2013. After my upstream journey from programming via designing and requirements engineering to strategy development, I started my downstream journey to examine how strategy can be implemented more quickly and what obstacles need to be overcome in order to do so. I came across literally all the waste that…

  • A Practical Example of the Application of the DASA Team Competence Model

    A Practical Example of the Application of the DASA Team Competence Model

    As anyone acquainted with DASA knows, the Team Competence Model defines the essential skills and capabilities needed in a DevOps team. In this article, I’d like to show the process I followed to apply it. Before you start looking at the  Team Competence Model, it’s important to familiarize & understand some of the most related …