Story Maps and Business Value
The two approaches to developing products or services are incremental and iterative. The following figures depict the difference between the two approaches. In an Agile DevOps environment, both approaches are used to develop a product. You might need to build upon the existing parts or functionality (iterative). There can also be a situation where you…
Multitasking Impact on Productivity in a DevOps Environment
Multitasking makes each and every task to take a longer time to complete than required. The cause of delay is due to the time lost when switching between multiple tasks, as shown in the following figure. According to Gerald Weinberg (Quality Software Management: Systems Thinking), there is a loss of around 20% of the total…
The Benefits & Pitfalls of Collaboration You Should Be Aware Of
The success key of any team is teamwork, and the most important behavior of teamwork is collaboration. The meaning of collaboration is working together to achieve a goal. It is the central theme for DevOps Teams. Collaboration offers a number of benefits but also brings with it a number of pitfalls if not implemented effectively,…
Eisenbahnscheinbewegung, or Fake High-Performance Transformations
Over the past years, I’ve seen quite some interesting organizational transformations. No matter which labels were being used (agile, Lean, DevOps), all promise for a collaborative culture with high-performing teams and flows of value. In my experience, the major challenge in any of those transformations is to achieve a sense of ownership and shared responsibility…
The Business Case for DevOps (Fully Realize the Business Benefits of Agile Software Development)
The thinking that Agile software development and DevOps are different and separate frameworks, and hence need to be adopted separately seems to be taking hold. This is obviously, incorrect and has insidious long term consequence as it will perpetuate the divide between Dev and Ops. Although, Agile software development preceded DevOps – Agile software development…
The Culture Conundrum (To Succeed With Agile and DevOps Transformation, You Need to Get the Culture Right)
One of the key success factors in Agile and DevOps transformation is the culture of the teams and the organization. However, since culture is intangible it is difficult to get a sense of whether you are getting culture right or wrong. So, instead of getting caught up prematurely in the minutiae of how to get…