Tag: Creating a Culture of High Performance

  • 7 Reasons Why We Need Transformational Leaders

    7 Reasons Why We Need Transformational Leaders

    Transformational leaders inspire transformational change, enabling people to adapt by simultaneously instilling confidence and motivating them. Among transformational leadership characteristics are the following: Transformational Leaders build company culture by motivating employees – moving from a frame of mind of self-interest to a mindset where they work for the common good. They also coach and mentor…

  • There Are No Rules for DevOps; It Is Iterative

    There Are No Rules for DevOps; It Is Iterative

    From both sides of the world, we see many rules. Rules can provide demarcation, structure, and safety, but conversely, they can be limiting and restrictive. Rules can therefore be seen as positive as well as negative. We have heard first-hand and read in various places that combining rules with DevOps is not a good thing.…

  • Cloud Strategy’s Cultural Dimension: Why DevOps Is Essential for Cloud Success

    Cloud Strategy’s Cultural Dimension: Why DevOps Is Essential for Cloud Success

    Optimizing Your Cloud Strategy: The Cultural Dimension – Lessons From the Recent Past and Why DevOps Is Essential for Cloud Success. When we encounter a new and disruptive technology such as the cloud, it is natural to try and build a playbook from scratch on how to succeed with it. However, it would be wasteful…

  • Experiencing Digital Talent Squeeze? Strategies to Help You Manage

    Experiencing Digital Talent Squeeze? Strategies to Help You Manage

    We are continually seeing reports today about the ‘great resignation’ and the need for strategies to manage the onboarding, development, and retention of employees. The need for these strategies has been primarily driven by the rise in Covid cases. However, even before the pandemic, we were in an age of ‘digital disruption’ driving ‘agile transformations,’…

  • 5 Top Talent Management Trends 2022

    5 Top Talent Management Trends 2022

    The worldwide pandemic has caused huge workplace disruptions in the last couple of years. The changes will not stop in 2022, considering all the new Covid variants that are continuously emerging and shaping the way of working. This article explores the underlying talent management trends that are going to shape the current year: 1. Employee…

  • Intro: Why Antifragility?

    Intro: Why Antifragility?

    COVID-19 has taught us that agility and resilience are not the only capabilities that organisations needed yesterday; they also need antifragility. Antifragility can be best described as the ability to thrive as a direct result of stressors, shocks, attacks, or failures. The concept was first described by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of Antifragile: Things That…

  • DevOps Can Replace Project and Program Management (Myth 2)

    DevOps Can Replace Project and Program Management (Myth 2)

    Editor’s note: This is the second in a series of blogs discussing five current myths about DevOps and has been created by Lawrie Kirk, our DASA Ambassador located in Australia. Lawrie has written this blog from the perspective of his experience as a consultant, program, and project manager. We look forward to the discussion that…

  • How Do You Get the Board to Buy-in Your DevOps Transformation Plans?

    How Do You Get the Board to Buy-in Your DevOps Transformation Plans?

    Below I detail my key discoveries from the DevOps Agile Skills Association (DASA) Enterprise Leadership Forum (ELF) round table discussion on, “How do you get the board to buy-in your DevOps transformation plans?” A typical consulting answer to the question about how to gain board buy-in is, “That depends.” For my session, one panel member…

  • We Do Not Need Structure in a DevOps Environment (Myth 1)

    We Do Not Need Structure in a DevOps Environment (Myth 1)

    Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of blogs discussing five current myths about DevOps. The blogs have been compiled by our DASA Ambassadors, Frank Faber in the Netherlands, and Lawrie Kirk in Australia. Both Frank and Lawrie have written this blog from the perspective of their experiences as consultants and program and…

  • DevOps Consulting: A New Global Opportunity

    DevOps Consulting: A New Global Opportunity

    Carl Jung, the famous Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology once said, “Everyone you meet knows something you don’t know but need to know. Learn from them.” This is one of the reasons we both become DASA DevOps Ambassadors, to expand our knowledge about DevOps.  After many years in the project and program…