Tag: Growing and Developing the Next Generation of Digital Leaders

  • The Challenges of Driving a DevOps Culture

    The Challenges of Driving a DevOps Culture

    The culture of any organisation is shaped by the worst behaviour the leader is willing to tolerate Gruenter and Whitaker I was talking to an Information Technology (IT) veteran recently, and he was discussing the transition from Traditional methods to Agile and now DevOps, which is being increasingly implemented in IT organisations around the world.…

  • The Story of an Agile Coach Becoming a DevOps Coach

    The Story of an Agile Coach Becoming a DevOps Coach

    In January 2020, I and 8 other experienced DevOps and Agile practitioners from around the World became the first 9 DASA DevOps Coaches. DASA (DevOps Agile Skills Association) is a community driven organisation with the aim to improve skills and knowledge for DevOps teams and transformations. The DASA DevOps Coach certification is their latest development…

  • How to Lead in Today’s Disruptive Dysfunctional World

    How to Lead in Today’s Disruptive Dysfunctional World

    Take a look at the world around us, what do you see? Dysfunction all around. Constant Change. Perpetual disruption. Let me share with you what I see: When looking for the root cause or asking the question “why” we are failing. The answer can be summarized in three words: culture, leadership, and communication. Culture Culture…

  • Digitization or Digital Transformation?

    Digitization or Digital Transformation?

    “What is the difference between automation and digitization?” “What is the difference between digitization and digital transformation?” I often hear from people. I answer briefly, taking into account the differences in people’s knowledge. Automation: Efficient methods to eliminate repeated processing and human error from “manual and toil” states. Digitization: Making it possible for computers to…

  • Why T-Shaped Professionals Are Desirable

    Why T-Shaped Professionals Are Desirable

    A T-shaped person has deep knowledge/skills in one area and a broad base of general supporting knowledge/skills. If you represent this depth and breadth visually, you get a “T” shape:  Source: https://collegeinfogeek.com/become-t-shaped-person/ The exact details will vary from person to person. The T-shaped person is an improvement on the classic saying “Jack of all trades,…

  • Competing in the Digital Age With Lean Startup, Agile Software Development, and DevOps

    Competing in the Digital Age With Lean Startup, Agile Software Development, and DevOps

    To compete in the digital age, it is becoming increasingly important to move away from an activity based functional teams to multidisciplinary product teams consisting of business ( product owners, designers, UX, business analysts… ) and IT (developers, testers, security, operations …. ) folks. However, for the newly created product based teams to become successful…

  • Getting DevOps Right (It Is Not Just About Technology, Leadership and Management Matters)

    Getting DevOps Right (It Is Not Just About Technology, Leadership and Management Matters)

    It is a truism that to realize the benefits of technology has driven change initiative the focus has to be on deliberate leadership and management of the initiative, rather than an exclusive focus on technology and tools. However, that obvious truth gets lost, in the euphoria and excitement about the latest technology, especially in technologically…

  • Succeeding With DevOps: Google’s DevOps Survey Findings Mapped to DASA’s Team Competence Model

    Succeeding With DevOps: Google’s DevOps Survey Findings Mapped to DASA’s Team Competence Model

    First, the expected good news, “Harvard Business Review Analytic Services Study Competitive advantage through DevOps” – a survey sponsored by Google Cloud, confirmed that DevOps delivers key business results. Survey respondents who adopted the DevOps approach say that it has improved speed to market ( named by 70%), productivity (67%), innovation (66%), and product/service quality…

  • Leadership Starts With You

    Leadership Starts With You

    As follow up to the successful ‘Fit for the Future’ CIO event organized by CIO Platform Netherlands and DevOps Agile Skills Association (DASA), a CEG Agile/Scrum event was organized and kindly hosted by Rabobank. One of the goals was to further explore the findings from the CIO event. As part of this follow on event…

  • DevOps Knowledge Day Findings – ‘Courage’ is the Name of the Game!

    DevOps Knowledge Day Findings – ‘Courage’ is the Name of the Game!

    “Courage” seemed to be a common theme at the Conlea ‘DevOps Knowledge Day’ event co-sponsored by the DevOps Agile Skills Association (DASA). Courage to deal with suspicious boards (doubt, having heard all the ‘best practice’ promises before), courage to deal with managers (fear of the change to span of control and new leadership styles) and…