Why Devops Is Outgrowing Traditional It Service Management

Why DevOps is Outgrowing Traditional IT Service Management

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Over the past decades, IT Service Management (ITSM) frameworks like ITIL have provided structure, reliability, and efficiency to countless organizations, driving operational excellence in managing IT services. However, with the maturation of DevOps principles and practices, the landscape of software delivery and IT operations has dramatically changed. The DevOps paradigm, with its emphasis on customer-centricity, automation, culture, cross-functional teams, and end-to-end product ownership, challenges the necessity of traditional ITSM processes. While ITSM has brought undeniable value to enterprises, adopting DevOps holistically can make many ITSM processes redundant. Using less rigid and more malleable service support & delivery processes in turn helps build more efficient, responsive, and innovative organizations.

Recognizing the Value of ITSM

ITSM frameworks have been instrumental in establishing best practices for IT service management. They provide a structured approach to managing incidents, problems, changes, and configurations, ensuring stability, reliability, and predictability in IT services. By standardizing processes, they have enabled organizations to reduce downtime, improve service quality, and manage risks more effectively. This has been especially valuable in large enterprises, where complexity and scale can make IT management a formidable challenge.

However, despite these benefits, ITSM often comes with a heavy administrative burden, extensive documentation, and slower response times due to their process-oriented nature. This rigidity can hinder organizations’ ability to respond to rapidly changing business needs, particularly in today’s digital economy, where speed and agility are paramount.

DevOps: A Paradigm Shift

The rise of DevOps represents a fundamental shift in how we think about software development and IT operations. DevOps is not a set of tools or practices; it’s a philosophy that enables enterprises to become high performance digital organizations. The DevOps philosophy is built on key principles that emphasize customer centricity, moving from a project to a product mindset, collaboration, continuous delivery, and the integration of development and operations into unified, cross-functional teams. The core DevOps principles—automation, culture, product mindset, and end-to-end ownership—enable organizations to deliver software faster, more reliably, and with higher quality. 

Here’s why these principles make traditional ITSM processes less logical:

1. Focus on Automation Reduces Manual Processes

One of the cornerstone principles of DevOps is automation. By automating repetitive, manual tasks such as testing, deployment, monitoring, and incident management, DevOps drastically reduces the need for many ITSM processes. For example:

  • Change Management: In traditional ITSM-based setups, changes require multiple approvals, leading to delays. With DevOps, changes are automated, continuously tested, and deployed through CI/CD pipelines. This eliminates the need for cumbersome change management boards, as the automation ensures that changes are safely and efficiently implemented.
  • Incident Management: Automated monitoring and alerting systems in DevOps environments can detect and often resolve incidents before they impact end-users, reducing the need for traditional incident management processes. Moreover, with infrastructure-as-code, it becomes easier to identify, roll back, or fix issues in real time.

2. Cultural Shift Encourages Collaboration Over Silos

ITSM processes are often designed around siloed teams, with separate groups for development, operations, and service management. DevOps, however, breaks down these silos, fostering a culture of collaboration and shared responsibility. This shift in mindset renders many ITSM processes redundant:

  • Knowledge Management: In ITSM, knowledge management processes ensure that information is shared across teams, often requiring documentation and formal handoffs. DevOps, with its culture of transparency and shared tools, naturally encourages knowledge sharing without the need for rigid processes. Teams work together, learn together, and share insights in real time.
  • Problem Management: In a DevOps environment, cross-functional teams have end-to-end ownership of their products, meaning they are responsible for identifying, diagnosing, and resolving problems. This reduces the need for a separate problem management process, as issues are resolved within the team that has the most knowledge and context.

3. Cross-Functional Teams Foster End-to-End Ownership

Traditional ITSM frameworks often involve numerous handoffs between different teams, leading to delays and inefficiencies. DevOps practices encourage end-to-end ownership, where cross-functional teams are responsible for the entire lifecycle of a product, from development to deployment to maintenance. This eliminates many ITSM processes by removing the need for extensive coordination and communication between multiple teams:

  • Service Level Management: In an ITSM context, SLM requires formal agreements, reporting, and reviews to ensure service quality. With DevOps, the same teams that build the software also maintain it, creating a direct link between developers and service quality. This inherently aligns teams with customer expectations, making formal service level processes redundant.
  • Configuration Management: The use of infrastructure-as-code and containerization in DevOps means that configurations are version-controlled and managed alongside the code. This eliminates the need for separate CMDBs and processes, as configurations are always up-to-date and traceable.

4. Adopting a Product Mindset Over a Project Culture

ITSM frameworks often treat IT services as projects with a defined start and end. DevOps, on the other hand, encourages a product mindset, where teams are focused on the ongoing development, maintenance, and improvement of their products. This shift makes several ITSM processes unnecessary:

  • Release Management: Traditional release management involves extensive planning, coordination, and approval processes. In DevOps, with the use of CI/CD pipelines and automated testing, releases happen continuously and seamlessly, making formal release management processes redundant.
  • Change Management: As mentioned earlier, change management in ITSM can be a bottleneck. In contrast, DevOps embraces change, treating it as a constant, iterative process rather than an exception to be managed. This significantly reduces the overhead and delays associated with traditional change management.

Addressing Potential Concerns

Critics might argue that without ITSM processes, organizations risk losing control, increasing incidents, or failing to meet service level expectations. But, when DevOps principles are applied holistically, these concerns are addressed more effectively than even the highly efficient ITSM teams have demonstrated:

  • Control Through Automation: DevOps relies on automation to maintain control and consistency. Automated testing, deployments, and monitoring ensure that changes are safe, predictable, and quickly reversible if issues arise.
  • Continuous Improvement: DevOps encourages a culture of continuous improvement, where teams learn from incidents, adapt, and improve their practices. This ongoing feedback loop often leads to more robust and reliable services than rigid ITSM processes can provide.
  • Enhanced Responsiveness: By removing silos and fostering collaboration, DevOps teams can respond more quickly to changes, incidents, and customer needs, ensuring that services remain aligned with business goals.

A New Way Forward

The maturation of DevOps principles and practices has fundamentally altered the way we approach software delivery and IT operations. While ITSM has provided valuable frameworks for managing IT services, they are increasingly seen as overly rigid and cumbersome in a world that demands agility, speed, and innovation. DevOps, with its emphasis on automation, culture, cross-functional teams, product mindset, and end-to-end ownership, offers a more dynamic, responsive, and efficient approach.

Organizations that fully embrace DevOps can achieve many of the goals that ITSM processes were designed to address—such as stability, reliability, and quality—without the overhead and bureaucracy. This doesn’t mean that ITSM is entirely obsolete, but rather that it’s time to rethink its role in a DevOps-centric world. By adopting DevOps holistically, enterprises can create a culture of agility, collaboration, and continuous improvement that ultimately delivers greater value to the business and both internal and external customers.

Instead of disrupting your organization by declaring “the end of ITSM” right away, a more gradual approach is much more sensible and recommended. In this intentional gradual approach, organizations invest step by step in foundational DevOps principles and practices, while evaluating their impact on the various ITSM controls that are in place. The leadership can then step by step opt for a more pragmatic approach to some of the ITSM processes, while the organization and DevOps teams are experimenting and learning and adjusting to their new way of working based on DevOps principles. Over time, teams deliver more value through agility by eliminating the most rigid and time-consuming or redundant processes and governance, but this normally is a multi-month and sometimes multi-year journey that requires reskilling, careful guidance, constant evaluations, and a continuous improvement mindset.


  • Rik Farenhorst is a seasoned CIO and DevOps Transformation Consultant with a proven track record of leading successful digital transformations across multiple industries.

    CEO at DASA

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