DASA Communities

DASA communities provide a place where professionals can work together, share ideas, and learn from each other. In these communities, the combined knowledge of all members helps everyone understand more and quickly adopt the best methods and techniques in their field.

Since 2016

25 Papers, 100+ Articles


Downloaded Articles


Ambassadors & SMEs


Review Panel Members


Keynotes & Workshops

Grow Together

When Peer Learning Meets Community

By fostering a culture of continuous learning and collaboration among members, our communities encourage growth, driving industry-wide advancements.

Continued Learning

A dynamic platform where professionals continue their growth journey.

Networking and Collaboration

Connect, share ideas, and start projects with other enthusiasts in our communities.

Access to Expert Advice

Ask questions and gain insights from top experts in our community.

Connect, Collaborate, Excel

Find Your Community

Each of our communities is built around specific areas of expertise, offering a rich and focused environment for growth and collaboration.


A DASA Ambassador leverages their knowledge and expertise in raising awareness of the importance of the DevOps practices both online and in local markets via thought leadership actions.

Transformation Coaches

A hub for professionals specializing in guiding organizations through DevOps and Agile transformations. Members exchange strategies, insights, and experiences to enhance their coaching effectiveness.

Transformational Leaders

The Enterprise Leadership Forum (ELF) is exclusively for senior technology leaders who are at the forefront of the transformation, leading and shaping their organization into a high-performance digital organization.


Dedicated to accredited instructors, this community focuses on sharing teaching methodologies, learning resources, and best practices to enrich the educational experience in these dynamic areas.

Expert Forums

Members of expert forums play a pivotal role by exercizing influence over DASA’s portfolio by analyzing emerging trends, participating in product teams and via active involvement in prioritzation decisions.

Review Panel

The Review Panel is made up of ambassadors, industry experts, certified specialists, L&D managers, and transformation leaders. Their collective expertise provides an unbiased assessment of the certification’s value.

“The commitment to fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation is why I have remained a member of the vibrant DASA community over the years. I feel truly appreciated being part of such a dynamic and supportive network of highly-skilled professionals.”

Marian Draganov

Agile Coach at T-Systems Iberia